Now, if I were to make a list of the best and worst pop songs of 2013 (and I just about have), this wouldn't be on either of the lists, and actually wasn't even considered on either. Why does it deserve a blog post for itself then? Well, this was the last song I heard before stepping into work yesterday AND getting out of the car coming home from work today. I've had a bit of time with it stuck in my head and what exactly are my thoughts? Well, I mean, I like it enough to stick with it on the radio, that's measurably better than many other songs on the radio, but it's a weird song. It seems to be intended to be a party anthem, but it's slow, plodding, not exactly something to jump up and down to. The verses and the bridge are both kinda soft and hard to belt due to the separated melody of the verse and range of the bridge. Yes, the chorus is notably shoutable, mainly for the part where they shout the name of the song, but it's hardly one people can get "partying" to. And as a lesser point, I do enjoy Radiohead and even included "Just" at number 34 on my list of favorite songs, but I can't name a single song that I'd sing at the top of my lungs. And it's not like an enjoyment thing, it's just not really possible due to the range of the vocalist. But more importantly than strict musical analysis is the the obvious subject matter of the song.

Avril Lavigne does not have to grow up. It hardly looks like she's grown at all in 10 years.
Avril Lavigne writes a song about never growing up. Avril Lavigne is a popstar. She makes lightweight, catchy, pop songs about being rebellious, teenage relationships, and other mainstream garb. Although I'm in no place to criticize completely on pandering to certain audiences, but as I'm 19 year old sophomore in college, this song kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I mean hell, I don't want to grow up, but I don't really have a choice, now do I? It's just a part of growing up, something Avril Lavigne deosn't seem to do, nor need to do. So I guess when it all comes down to it, I'm just a little it jealous of Avril Lavigne, jealous I don't lead such a lifestyle. Which is a little silly, isn't it? Maybe I just need to grow up.
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