I actually do really like this trailer. It's really well done and paints this game to be an intense, emotionally rollercoaster of a zombie game. And what did we get? We got... Dead Island. A game that made gamers around the world go "eh." The game got 7-8s from review sites, but all in all, the game is just... Not very good. This is coming from a person who played a game for like 60-70 hours, mostly by myself. I can't convince people it's a good game, I can't convince MYSELF it's a good game. Because it's not. I mean, it's okay...

The environments range from beach resort, to shitty shambling town, to jungle area, to, if I remember correctly, testing labs. Yes, I completed this game 3 times, and no, I barely remember what happens in the end. Bottom line, the beach resort is the only good environment. You can drive the awkwardly handling trucks around a pretty open area and have fun getting them lodged in staircases. The city has you walking everywhere getting blindsided by people with guns, and the jungle level is, well, a fucking jungle. I don't even remember what the labs were like, but I feel there were a lot of people with guns to kill. Either way, they go from interesting and kinda fun to bad, bad, boring.
The story? Shiiiiit, it's almost all mashed together from generic zombie ideas. Take zombie ideas you have, throw them into a pot, boil boil boil, out come the zombies. You are one of four survivors immune to the infection, therefore you do stupid sidequests for people that have no personality that nobody cares about. The city's been overrun by people who want to assume power over all the lifeless houses and dead bodies, and you need to help random people by stopping them? Then you go to a jungle for some reason, and, hold on, lemme read up on this plot again from Wikipedia... ... ... Oh god, that's right... God, I remember this plot. A guy starts talking to you via radio or something, tells you he can make a vaccine from the survivors, he's on a prison, then you go there, help the prisoners arm themselves or something, then the infected the scientists were studying kill the scientists at some point, then the guy on the radio steals a prototype vaccine or something and you kill him on the roof. This plot just seems so tired, there's not a single thing interesting about it!
I promise this looks more fun than it is for 90% of the time.
Speaking of things not interesting, let's take a look at the enemies. Generic walkers, generic runners, generic big guys that take a lot of hits and knock you back with impressive force even if they themselves have no arms, the exploders, the fat guys that spit at you, the big guy that charges at you, and people with guns. Not a single one of these are interesting, and the fun of killing dies halfway through act 1. You fight with weapons that break apart as if they were all held together by masking tape and chewing gum, you repair them by shoving dollar bills into a workbench, or upgrade them by stapling money to them making them more powerful, yaaawn. You also have a kick, but that drains your stamina as well as swinging, running, or jumping, so you're bound to be back peddling without any stamina while zombies slowly walk up to you, smack you once and you fall on your ass because no stamina means you fall over like bowling pins.
It shouldn't be difficult to see why this game is so boring. It's a game that survives only on concept. Almost everything in this game is implemented poorly. Story sucks, characters suck, enemies suck, environments suck, combat sucks, really, it's difficult for me to think of a single good thing about the game. I mean, analog combat was kinda fun, but it still sucks running out of stamina all the goddamn time. Uhmmm... Driving is funny, I wouldn't say fun... Really, it's a game that holds up on concept alone. With the incredible trailer, it was forced to be a serious drama of a game and ended up flat out silly, or eye-rollingly stupid, or just impossible to be invested in because everything about it is so one dimensional. The only redeeming quality comes from playing with friends and getting into wacky hi-jinx, like getting a truck stuck in terrain, or laughing at the shadow animations. Eventually that wears off and you're just fucking booooored.
I can't convince myself that Dead Island is a good game. It's not a terrible game. It's just so boring and annoying and barely functional. It doesn't deserve the trailer that announced it. A fitting trailer would have been bulletpoints in black font a white background for how factory made and lifeless it seems. And it actually makes me a bit angry thinking about it now. Yeah, this game kiiiiinda sucks.